
The department of Science and Humanities is at the fore-front of feeding basic Technical Science and language. The Department offers teaching and training from the time the students get enrolled in their branches. An environment that combines friendly atmosphere with leading-edge facilities characterizes the department. The flagship objective of the Department is to train the young minds to explore the new horizons.

Department of Mathematics

Mathematics is the mother of scientific and engineering courses. The Department is dedicated and focused towards providing guidance and intensive coaching to the students to enlighten their Knowledge in the field of Mathematics to deal with any real time problems of industry. It also promotes the appropriate and effective use of mathematical tools in the profession of engineering.

Department of Chemistry

Chemistry is one of the sciences which inspire Engineers to innovate materials and methods continuously for meeting requirements of this competitive world. To make the students understand the basic concepts of chemistry, which is highly essential and to apply concepts in the field of Engineering and Technology effectively.

Chemistry Lab Facilities

Podhigai Engineering College - Chemistry Lab

The advanced chemistry laboratory aims to introduce modern experimental methods in chemistry. The experimental means and scientific problems dealt with in the laboratory reflect the most current research and diagnostic tools in modern experimental chemistry.

Laboratory exercises are strongly supported by the evidence,while there needs to be a radical re-thinking of the use of laboratory manuals, with assessment being explored afresh.The lab will provides abundance opportunities for the students to know the ways means of achieving clean environment.

Department of English

The department strives to enhance the language skills of engineering students to make them perfect professionals, by offering a platform to express themselves both orally and in writing.

Communication lab

Podhigai Engineering College - Communications Lab

With the help of the multimedia language laboratory,the department develops the communication skills of students by providing a challenging and exciting academic experience for the students.English languages, of course,have become the indisputable common global medium for communication in the IT and ITes industries.It is therefore,no surprise that competency in communicate ability plays a vital role in seeking placements for young engineers.

Department of Physics

Our mission is to bring out engineers of excellent quality and to accelerate confidence in the budding engineers to meet the competitive world. For the faculty of physics, teaching is more passionate than profession. Our ultimate aim is to create awareness about the changing world of Scenario in the field of physics among the students.

Physics lab

Podhigai Engineering College - Physics Lab

The physics laboratory is spacious and with special provisions for advanced level of experiments like LASER, Optical fibers and provides good exposure to students. While the students get hands-on training on these experiments, care is taken to strengthen their knowledge on basics.Sophisticated instruments such as 30MHz Dual trace CRO, Ultrasonic interferometer, Spectrometer, Travelling microscope, etc., are made available to make learning of physics really enjoyable.

Teaching Staff


Dr. S. Kalvikkarasi

Head of the Department


C. Silambarasan

Assistant Professor


S. Sankar

Assistant Professor


S. Ramadass

Assistant Professor


R. Sundaramoorthy

Assistant Professor


D. Raja

Assistant Professor


S. Thirupathi

Assistant Professor


J. Prabhavathi

Assistant Professor

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